sábado, setembro 30

Fette Gotisch

A Intellecta Design criou, meses atrás, a sua versão de uma classica fonte, a FetteGotisch. Esta fonte foi construida em cima de design original da Haas'sche Schriftgiesserei (Fette Gotisch - ca. 1860). Mais detalhes sobre esta extinta foundrye:

German/Swiss foundry established in 1790 and based in Basel/Münchenstein. Many of its shares were acquired by D. Stempel in 1927. Linotype takes over Haas in 1989. Their collection includes:

* Kompakte Grotesk (1893)
* Steinschrift (1834). See also here.
* Enge Grotesk (ca. 1870)
* Commercial-Grotesk Halbfett (1940)
* Altgrotesk halbfett (1880)
* Bodoni-Kursiv, Bodoni-Antiqua (Bodoni, 1780)
* Ideal-Antiqua (ca. 1880)
* Caslon Antiqua and Caslon Kursiv (William Caslon, London, 1720)
* Alt-Fraktur and Fette Alt-Fraktur (ca. 1840)
* Fette Gotisch (ca. 1860)
* Halbfette Normande (1850) and Normande fett (by Thorne, London, 1810)
* Nürnberger Schwabacher (originally, ca. 1600, published in 1930)
* E.A. Neukomm: Bravo (1945), Chevalier (1946).
* A. Auspurg: Castor (1924), Pollux (1925).
* Hermann Eidenbenz: Graphique (1941), Clarendon (1953).
* Walter J. Diethelm: Diethelm Antiqua (1945-1950).
* M. Miedinger: Helvetica (1957), Horizontal (1964), Pro Arte (1954).
* Eugen+M. Lenz: Profil (1943-1947).
* P. Wezel: Constellation (1970).
* H. Baumgart: Quirinale (1970).
* Richard Gerbig: Riccardo (1941, a scrip face).
* Edmund Thiele: Superba (1934), Normale Grotesk (1942), Troubadour Lichte (1931, script).

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